Sugawara Shigemichi Wakizashi

A Rare Wakizashi From The Sugawara Clan: 

The property of a distinguished Veteran.

Although not registered in the meikan this work of Musashi Kuni Junin Sugawara Shigemichi 武蔵国住人菅原茂 道 is of high quality.  The blade is nicely forged predominately in itame.  Some masame hada is seen in the ha.  The hamon is excellent with nice hataraki.  Although the hamon is active, it is not ostentatious.  There is very nice activity to be found that does not just jump out at you.

As a member of the Sugawara clan, his descendants were important confuscian scholars.


The Sugawara clan (菅原氏, Sugawara-uji) was a Japanese aristocratic family claiming descent from Ame-no-hohi, the Haji Clan. Founded in 781, they served the Imperial Court as scholars and government officials since the clan’s foundation until the early modern period when the clan divided into six branches.


The founder of the clan, Sugawara no Furuhito studied Confucianism and became a personal scholar (jidoku) to Emperor Kanmu (r. 781–806).[1] Furuhito’s son Sugawara no Kiyotomo (770-842) held the court rank of Junior Third Rank, and his son Sugawara no Koreyoshi (812-880) was also of the same rank and served as Associate Counselor.


Sugawara no Furuhito, founder of the Sagawara Clan.






To say this smith is rare is an understatement.  This may be the only extant work of Sugawara Shigemichi 菅原茂 道 .  This smith uses a very rare form of Shige 茂, which means “to grow thickly'”.  This sword is estimated to be from the Shinto Period, 17th Century.  It comes fully restored by a master togishi, fitted with fine koshirae original to the blade.  Notice the silver kojiri and fine fittings.  This is definitely a step up from normal koshirae of the day.

Offered on consignment: $4000 USD.

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