Nihonto: Antique Samurai Swords

Nihonto are authentic Japanese swords, nagamaki, naginata, and yari, made by using traditional methods and materials.  These were the weapons of Samurai, who followed the ways of Bushido (code of ethics for the warrior class).  The Samurai sword is thought to embody the soul of the Samurai, according to Bushu folklore, propagated by Tokugawa Ieyasu. Mission: Honor and integrity will be uncompromised in the avocation of nihonto collecting and will be the basis of every item represented.



Juyo Token Reisen Sadamori Tachi











An excellent Juyo Token rated tachi by Reisen Sadamori.  Pictures do not do this sword justice.

Price: SOLD



Juyo Token Osafune Masamitsu Naginata Naoshi 








An outstanding Juyo Token Naginata Naoshi by Osafune Masamitsu of the Kanemitsu Den.

Price: SOLD



Hida no Kami Ujifusa Katana

















An excellent Katana by the Samurai swordsmith, Hida no Kami Ujifusa. NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon with Juyo Token potential.

Price: $24,000



Sa Yasuyoshi Tanto







A fine Nambokucho Period tanto from the O Sa school.  Comes with premium koshirae and shirasaya with sayagaki. NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon.

Price: $16,000




Horikawa Den Wakizashi


















A potential Horikawa Den Wakizashi in new polish and shirasaya.

Price: $5000




Kanabo Masasada Naginata




















A fine Koto Period Naginata by Kanabo Masasada.

Price: SOLD



Unit Convertor: Convert from Shaku, Sun and Bu, to Metric and Imperial.
